Pipe And Fitting

Pipe And Fitting

1. Pipe

Of all types of pipe making can generally be grouped into two parts:1. The type of seamless pipe (seamless pipe manufacture welding)2. Type the connection pipe (pipe manufacture welding)

The materials of pipe in general:

The materials of pipe that is meant here is the structure of new materials for the pipeline which can be divided in general that Carbon steel, Carbon Moly, Galvanees, Ferro Nickel, Stainless Steel, PVC (PVC), Chrom Moly

plumbing materials in particular can be grouped ie Vibre Glass, Aluminium (Aluminium), Wrought Iron (without wrought iron), Cooper (Copper), Red Brass (red brass), Nickel chrome iron = Inconel (iron pewter chrome)

Piping components:

Components of the piping must be made based on standard specifications Listed in symbols and codes that have been created or selected previously.Piping components which meant herein include

1. Pipes (pipes)2. Flanges (flange-flange)3. Fittings (continued)4. Valves (valves)5. Boltings (bolts)6. Gasket7. Specials items

Types of pipe consisting of:

1. Wrought Seamless Pipe materials:

- Ferrous / Steel- The size of up to 26 in. OD- Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys- Copper and Copper Alloys- Nickel and Nickel Alloys- Titanium and Titanium Alloy

2. Forged Pipe

for pipes with a diameter which is larger and thicker walls. "Seamless rnemiliki limitations and penalatan costs, so it is not made in a large size

a. Forged and Bored Pipe

Trunk (billetlingot) steel is heated sampal 2300 "F (12600C) then diulurldipanjangkan with forged so that the diameter of 1 in. Larger than the diameter of the desired end. Then the billet is passed to a lathe to be disposed of excess so that in outer diameter as desired. The inside later in drill from one or both ends of the pipe until it reaches a certain diameter in. with this process, commercially produced pipe diameter and thickness of 10-30 in ITz-4 in, Has also produced pipe with a length of 50 ft (I5,24 m) and weighs 100 tons.

b. Hollow Forged Pipe

Derived directly from steel rods melted in an electric arc furnace. Commercially produced pipes with a diameter of 10-30 in and ketebal t1 / z-4 Forging in.Metode have not been used to produce commercially nonferrous-pipe.

3.Welded Pipe

materials:- Ferrous- Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys- Copper and Copper Alloys- Nickel Alloys- Titanium and Titanium AlloysThe process for ferrous pipe:- Furnace-welded Pipe- Fusion Welded Pipe:

4. Wrought-Iron Pipe

Ferrous metal are two components consisting of iron (iron) with high purity and glasslike slag iron silicates up to 3 � / o by weight of material. Iron silica is uniformly distributed throughout the base metal in the form of long fibers as much as 250,000 per in2 Uniformity iron silicate deployment affects the corrosion resistance of the wrought-iron. Wrought-iron is made with a diameter 1 / B - 24 in.

5. Cast Steel Pipe

Nonferrous� (commercially: Nickel and high-nickel-alloys)Ways of making:- Static casting: limited to the size of the pipe is relatively short. Eg valves and fittings made using sand casting- Centrifugal casting: Molten steel produced from electric arc or induction furnace, put into a rotating mold, and then the metal solidifies under pressure from the centrifugal force.The types of mold:- Mold containing rammed sand with binder- Mold with ceramic surface- Mold permanent logarnProduct pipeline:- An outer diameter of 4-54 in.- Lengths up to 30 ft (9.14 m)- Used at high temperature and pressure (1050oF and 800 psi)

6. Cast-Iron Pipe

Usually relatively long-lived because pick walls are heavy (thick) and is inherently having an internal and external corrosion resistance are good. It is generally used for water and gas distribution systems and sewerage lines in the city are usually implanted under the asphalt road. therefore it needs long-lived pipeline to avoid frequent disassembly for repair or replacement path pipe. Specifications cast-iron pipe is regulated by the Federal SPECIFICATI WW-P-4? Lb, Pipe, Cast-iron, Pressure (for water and other fluids).


Classification based aplikasiny:


Based on the classification of the user (user), the pipe can be grouped into 6,

1. Standard pipe

Mechanical seruice pipe For the purposes of structural and mechanical. Based on the thickness of the walls, is divided into three classes, namely standard weight, extra strong, extra strong double. There is in the form of seamless and welded. To 12 in diameter, OD.Refrigeration pipe to carry the refrigerant, diameter 3 / + - 2in.Dry-pipe kiln used in the timber industry.

2. Pressure pipe

Used to carry fluid or gas at normal pressure or temperature, subzero / or height. Ll8 in size. nominal size up to 36 in. actual OD with various wall thicknesses.

3. Line Pipe

Is produced in the form of welded and seamless Sized 1/8 in. nominal OD to 36 in. actual OD. Used to carry gas, oil or water.

4. Water-well pipe

Produced in the form of seam welded or [ess with stainless material. Used to bring water to urban and industrial use. Size 1/8 - 96 ins. with a range of wall thickness.

5. Oil country goods

Casing is used as the structural retainer for the walls of oil or gas wells and also untgk eject unwanted fluid, and to protect and drain the oil or gas from a source below the surface towards the ground. The casing is produced in sizes 4 1/2 - 20 ins. OD.Size Standard Pipe- LZ in diameter. and in less than L2. Nomin size that states have approached the inside diameter of the pipe standard. Nominal outside diameter comes standard with severe neglect. Extra ketebal means going far wall inside diameter. Standardization of pipe above 12 in. beralasarkan on actual outer diameter, thickness Dindi, rg, and the weight per foot.


Application: involves the use of external heat, such as in a boiler or superheater. Usually made of steel produced from the open-hearth, basic oxygen or electric furnace.


Classified by the manufacturing method.- Seamless Tube in-Sized L87 0. 10.75 in OD- Welded Tube

Material selection:

Selection of piping material to be adapted to manufacture piping technique and this can be seen on the ASTM and ANSI in the following distribution1. The piping for power generation2. The oil and gas piping for industrial materials3. Piping for crude oil refining4. Piping for the transport of oil5. The piping for the cooling process6. Piping for nuclear power7. Piping for gas transmission and distributionAside from the use of the installation or construction as described above is also important to note the flow type of temperature, corrosion properties, style factors and other needs of the flow and the pipe.

Piping Connection sorts:

Piping connections can be grouped as follows:1. Connection using welding2. Connection using screwIn addition to the above there is also a connection such as a special grafting using gluing (adhesion) and clamping (for pipes and pipe plsatik Vibre glass). In refining generally low-pressure pipe and pipe under 2 "alone that use a threaded connection.

Type of branch connections:

Type of connection branch (branch connection) can be grouped as follows:1. A direct connection (stub in)2. Connection using the fittings (appliance coupler)3. Connection using flanges (flange-flange)Type of branch connections can also be determined on the specifications that have been made before designing or can be calculated based on the calculation of strengths, needs, by not forgetting the effectiveness factor. The connection itself is a branch of the connection between the pipe with a pipe, for example, the connection between the header with which the other branch does require tools or other connector can be connected directly, it depends on the needs and strength calculations.

Diameter, thickness, Schedule:

General specifications can be found on the ASTM (American Society of Testing Materials) .Where there is explained about the diameter, thickness and pipe schedule. Outside Diameter (Outside Diameter), is set equal even though the thickness (thickness) is different for each schedule. The inner diameter (Inside Diameter), are set differently for each schedule. Nominal diameter is the diameter of pipe that have to install or trade (commodity). The thickness and schedule, is relevant, it is because the thickness of the pipe depending on the pipe itself rather than schedule.

� Schedule these pipes can be grouped as follows:

1. Schedule 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160.2. Schedule Standard3. Schedule Extra strong (XS)4. Schedule Double Extra Strong (XXS)5. Schedule special

� differences made to this schedule:

1. Keep the internal pressure of the flow2. The strength of the material itself (Strength of material)3. Overcoming rust4. Overcoming brittleness pipe.To see the size of the diameter, thickness, and the schedule can be studied tables
Special tools: �Special tools in this chapter only talking about a sieve (strainer) and steam trap (steam Trap).1. Filter (strainer)sieve (strainer) use is as a dirt filter in the form of either solid, liquid or gas. This filter tools used in the pipeline to filter out impurities in the stream so aliaran that will be processed or processing of better quality.
These types of filtering devices can be divided into:1. Type T. This type is generally used to expand the space and reduced the pressure on pipelines2. Type Y3. Type a while4. Type Flat2. Steam Trap (Steam Trap):Steam Trap is a tool which is used to remove water from the steam, where the water is no gunaya will even provide barriers to the flow of steam or may cause harm to others. These steam traps are placed at the lowest point of a track mounted on the piping or pipe bag which is called Drip Leg.Ways of working:1. Steam Trap on pipelines contralto areas where there is considered the water may have been hung on the bag pipe (Drip Leg)2. Steam trap will be emptied of water to the steam system which has a lower pressure3. The system trap that closed in the discharge of water using the valves on the side of the trap.link download


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